Wednesday, July 20, 2005


The main purpose of leadership is to mobilize people through idea(s) so they follow WITHOUT having complains, unwillingness, doubts, etc. Now this is hard for some people because heads are different one to another.

But there's no need to worry about yourself if you feel you aren't capable to be a leader. 3 things on leadership to know :
1. Leadership can be learned by literatures, field experience, etc.
2. Some people were born with leadership talent but the portion for each person is different.
3. People might get a chance to lead on certain occasions.
So, if you are underconvident on your leadership read above.

This is the thing that is important and essential in the MILITARY. Many institutions adopted military leadership to train it's top executives -they were not trained to shoot M16's or SS1's however, hehehehehe-. Furthermore, in order to obtain field skills many of them are trained with the extreme conditions similiar to what cadet soldiers faced during basic training.

I didn't get these leadership sciences if I weren't a MENWA (Resimen Mahasiswa) member. Many things can be learned from there .. from marching "I wanna be a green bareeeet .." until laughters among members during off-times. The oldest Regiment's Battalion in Indonesia belongs to YON-I/ITB. The history takes us back to national mobilization in late '50s where 4 companies were from ITB the other UNPAD, UNPAR, etc.

Proven to earlier 1st Battalion/ITB CO's who had become the top-man of their company in present time, military leadership is very useful. Highly organized structure, detail, accurate, simple but hits the point, etc. Although there are some regulations in military which don't fit in the civillian, the aim of military leadership application is identic to goal/achievements of many companies. Even some businessmen said .. BUSINESS IS WAR!

Don't count your leadership as success unless your leadership is fused into the heart and mind each and everyone of your men! -US Army


At 7:09 PM, Blogger Sksetsahati said...

apakah itu juga sebabnya, pemimpin negara di indo itu baiknya dari militer? :-)

hai dimas, met kenal. met gabung dg blogfam. acc membernya sdh diaktifkan. ditunggu sapa nya di ruang perkenalan ya.

sketsahati dot com

At 12:32 AM, Blogger Dimas said...

Waduh masalah itu kurang tau ya, hahahaha. Tergantung siapa yg mimpin sih sebenarnya, siapapun dia entah sipil/militer kalo dia bisa ngatasin masalah akut di Indonesia ya itulah pemimpin yg kita harapkan, 'tul gak :D

Met kenal juga :) udah diisi kok di halaman perkenalan ;)


At 11:36 PM, Blogger Novasyurahati said...

nice blog :) don't actually agree with your statement about military leadership though.. (I happened to be work with one of YON I/ITB's members now, and it's mostly unpleasant..)

At 12:04 AM, Blogger Dimas said...

hehehehe, makasih ya masukannya :) memang gak semua anak2 Yon-I/ITB seperti yg saya ceritakan tapi secara umum sih kepemimpinan gitu efektif ;) .. anyway mba Nova dari Bandung juga ya ?



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