Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pray of the day


As a matter of fact, you have to hold yourself together when you are facing dillematic tragedy. Not all people could; some of them fell down, some others managed to stand strong. I believe trying to stand strong is an option, unless you have given up things in your life that is but I encourage you not to. What for? Are you going to the past whereas you know that history can never be changed? Are you keep on thinking about something that will never happen? Or do you have any other matters to tell??

Okay, that's all I can say about life ... it also a reminder to myself. So, no particular judgement on someone. I never would have thought of it.

*Ahm* Sometimes I wonder ... how am I suppose to help others by means of sci-tech --I already posted similar thought before--. Now I'm quite puzzled, because my plans I have arranged should be rearranged due to a case that will never happen again forever. One of the thing that I learned from wisemen is that "Try to map your mind and simplify your life". Of course, life is not that simple but simplify here means that try not to do anything that you know it would waste almost everything in your life. For instance, when you are depressed so do not run yourself into immoral acts such as drugs, crime, theft, etc.

My plans ruined up, but again ... why should I feel depressed? Well I was depressed like hell, oh yes I was. So ... in short, refering to IT terms "restore to last good known configuration" that is what I am trying to do.

Right now, I am planning to take my Ph.D to US as I have planned before. Well hopefully I would go there in a mission to explore new things which might be useful to ummah, who knows someday eventhough I know my contribution is like tiny quark in a matter perhaps there is one thing I could do to bring wealth to others.

But alas, the road to reach that dream is not as smooth as walking on a smooth road. Just as I expected to face, this is a challenge ... and challenges are made to be solved not to be avoided if you want to progress forward.

O Allah, please forgive our sins in the past, present, and future ...

O Allah, bless us with Your rahmat and barakah ...

O Allah, please lead us to a better life so we always remember You wherever we are ...

O Allah, please lead me in Your path by science and technology ...

and the last O Allah,

please bless someone whom I love most to marry a man of her dream to fulfill Rasulullah SAW sunnah, although I could not sail together with her to a same destination I wish she sails happily with another man,



Monday, October 20, 2008

Fact or Fiction ??

Ass. wr wb,


Ahm ... well, although I've lost someone I love most it doesn't mean it's the end of the world, ha. She has already willing to drop me out of her life forever so why can't I do the same, yes? I cannot forget her entirely but at least my feeling on her soon will be diminished to the lowest limit.

Okay, last 17-18 October I went to Lampung --Branti and Way Layap to be exact--, actually my mission there were to deliver my friend's package he desired from Bandung, meet my ex' step parents for silaturahim after Ramadhan, and also to meet my friends who are working in Lampung. Of course, seeing my ex was optional --hey, she already arranged her marriage--. Only Allah SWT knows when I would go there again though ...

Obviously, there were things that made me sad ... really sad?? think again ...

Allah SWT is The Most Merciful, so instead of my deepest sadness I met new friends whom I had not known before; All in a sudden I just got one. One of the thing I admire from him is that he could compose new songs just based on what he sees or what he heard or what he experienced. Amazing ! Even I couldn't do that in split second ... again, that shows Allah SWT is also The Most Fair. There are certain limits on every human but there are also advantages on every human as well, and this is what we should know as "rahmat". Differences cause human to cooperate, working hand-in-hand, and get to know each other.

Another thing that enlighten my spirit was when I got back to Bandung, I took a public transport in which the driver was also polite and honest. I certainly believe that if we believe in Allah SWT qadla and qadr ... Insya Allah, He would substitute with something even more better than what we had missed. In my case ... love is substituted by friendship. Perhaps you may have different stories to tell about what you had experienced.

Enough said about my past ... now it's time to talk about the future.

Recently I read an article about "Astral Projection". As a matter of fact, it is somewhat mysterious to me. How could a person "travels" within time to somewhere else unbeknown to him/her while he/she was unconcious. Some said it has to do with belief, yes I thought as much.

But scientifically, how can it be explained ?? This is something perhaps scientists are working on.

Astral Projection is related to Out-of-body Experience (OBE); it is a sensation of "loosing weight" or perhaps "floating" out of our body --Hmm ... sounds funny but that can be a serious matter later--. I can't describe in detail, but I would later. This is one of the interesting matter to find, at least to find a reasonable explanation about how this happens. Does it related to physics such as energy, wave, matters, and quantum ???

I ever watched "Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction" few years ago in METRO TV. The show was about things that happened or just fictions, the duration of the show was 1 hour; 30 minutes for 3 cases of either fact or fiction and another 30 minutes for the explanation of the cases mentioned.

I was astonished by one of the fact cases of how a child slept restlessly in his room while he thought he had dreamed of seeing his fellows were chased by wolves somewhere in a forest; he helped them to safety and finally his fellow went home safely. According to the friends' testimony, they saw him helped them out of the misery of being chased by wolves. But the boy said he was sleeping in his room; he did remember of seeing his friends in trouble. This incident DID happen. Anyway, I'm shiverring to tell about this story.

The question arose .... how could he appeared in two different locations at the same time ??

I'm not an X-Files detective to seek out and explore extraordinary things happened such as UFO, mysterious appearance, etc. But I think if that kind of thing happened ... it must be supernatural, sometimes even our knowledge so far couldn't explain. Hmmm, quite interesting.

But above all ... only The Almighty Allah SWT knows all of them.

I have no power nor knowledge to explain the unexplained. All that I can do is to learn how different perspectives try to solve the mystery, how case-by-case made mind improvement, and how strange things happened made me think about what is going on and try to find the closest explanation. That's all I can do.

There are several series of Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction published on

I just wonder how unusual things happened beyond our logical sense.

Wass wr wb,



Saturday, October 04, 2008

Cryin' in the Rain ...

I'll never let you see
The way my broken heart is hurtin' me
I've got my pride and I know how to hide
All my sorrow and pain
I'll do my cryin' in the rain

If I wait for cloudy skies
You won't know the rain from the tears in my eyes
You'll never know that I still love you so
Only heartaches remain
I'll do my cryin' in the rain

Rain drops fallin' from heaven
Could never wash away my misery
But since we're not together
I look for stormy weather
To hide these tears I hope you'll never see

Some day when my cryin's done
I'm gonna wear a smile and walk in the sun
I may be a fool but till then darling you'll
Never see me complain
I'll do my cryin' in the rain

I'll do my cryin' in the rain
I'll do my cryin' in the rain

-- oOOo --

This song is dedicated to the one whom I love most, despite the fact that she would marry in a few months to someone else.

I love you my dear ... but I have to leave you, it's hard for me to leave the one I love most . Very very hard for me to leave you but I have to.

O Allah, please give them blessings and your love to both of them who would marry within few months,

O Allah, please forgive their sins and bless their family in Your name ...

O Allah, please ease their way to marriage to fulfill Rasulullah SAW's sunnah ...

Deep inside my heart I pray for your happines ... my dear,

A woman who gave me truthful love,

A woman who was brighten my day,

A woman who took care of me when my heart went dry,

I'll never forget your love though you don't belong to me anymore. You have written my history with golden ink which is very precious to me, I promise I won't rust it.

I will never have revenge on you because you leave me but instead I will memorize you and your truthful love,

May Allah SWT always be with you and your family someday,

I always pray for your happines though not in a family once we have planned,

Good bye .... my love,

**dedicated to a woman who works as an ATC in WICT**



Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Tears of a soldier ...

Idul Fitri 1429 H telah tiba,

Semua yang kita jalani pada Ramadhan 1429 H seyogyanya menjadi landasan bagi kita umat Muslim untuk menjadi insan yang lebih memiliki kepekaan terhadap saudara2 kita yang kurang beruntung dari kita,

Alhamdulillah kita bisa mendapat baju baru, menyantap hidangan khas Idul Fitri dengan keluarga dan kerabat ... tapi bagaimana dengan mereka yang tidak seberuntung kita ? Saya yakin kalau ditanya mereka pun berharap bernasib seperti kita yang mampu namun apa daya,

Kita mungkin terlena dengan diri sendiri sehingga kepada mereka yang hanya gara2 Rp 1000 saja bisa saling membunuh sesama kita kurang atau bahkan tidak peduli sama sekali,

Ya Allah, muliakanlah kaum dhuafa yang dengan sabar memuji nama-Mu walau dengan kondisi sosial yang memprihatinkan,

Ya Allah, sadarkanlah kami agar kami bisa lebih peka terhadap mereka yang kurang mampu. Bukalah pintu hati kami untuk terkuak menolong mereka yang sangat mengharapkan pertolongan kami ya Rabb,

Ya Allah, ampunilah segala dosa kami sebagai umat Muslim atas segala kesalahan kami yang lampau, sekarang, dan yang akan datang ya Allah. Jadikanlah kami sebagai duta-Mu di muka bumi ini dan memakmurkannya. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pengampun ya Allah,

Ya Allah, seandainya Engkau menghendaki berikanlah hamba ilmu agar dengan ilmu yang Engkau amanahkan pada hamba dapat membuat kehidupan mereka lebih baik dari sebelumnya ... sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mendengar,

Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Maha Suci Engkau yang membuat Ramadhan kali ini adalah suatu cobaan yang berat pada hamba sehingga hamba belajar menjadi insan yang lebih baik untuk masa mendatang,

Ya Allah, hati hamba terluka karena orang yang sangat hamba cintai sudah akan menikah dengan pemuda lain. Jika Engkau masih memberikan harapan kepada hamba maka dengan segala kemurahan Engkau berikanlah hamba kesempatan walau cuma setitik air di lautan yang luas. Namun apabila Engkau menghendaki mereka menyatu dalam keluarga maka ampunilah mereka ya Allah,

Dia yang dulu dengan tulus mencintai hamba, dengan tidak memandang siapa hamba maupun apa yang hamba punya. Tiada dendam hamba pada mereka pun pada keluarganya. Berikanlah limpahan rizqi, rahmat, dan ampunan pada mereka yang akan menguatkan separuh Dien karena-Mu ya Allah. Walau dari lubuk hati yang paling dalam hamba merintih namun hamba ikhlas dengan keputusan Engkau ya Allah,

Hamba dengan segala kekurangan hamba memohon kepada Engkau ya Allah, ampunilah hamba yang dhaif ini atas kekhilafan hamba, karena Engkau-lah tempat hamba memohon. Maafkanlah hamba yang terlalu sibuk dengan diri hamba sendiri sehingga lupa pada janji-janji hamba padanya,

yang terakhir pinta hamba ya Allah,

hamba ingin turut berbahagia pada saat mereka menjalin ikatan yang suci dan berikrar di hadapan-Mu dengan disaksikan oleh para malaikat dan manusia bahwa mereka akan menyambung tali cinta dengan tujuan menjalankan sunnah kekasih-Mu ya Allah, maka bahagiakanlah mereka pada hari itu karena kebahagiaan mereka adalah kebahagiaan hamba juga,

**Do'a yang disampaikan dari lubuk hati yang paling dalam dari seorang prajurit yang sedang meneteskan air mata ...**

